Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Open Heart Healing....and Revealing.

I today get to say I am a writer.  Hooray!  I don’t need to write anything to say per say, but it helps me to see the light of day.  Helps me to uncover the hurts I’d buried away.  I feel pain inside.  It bubbles to the surface more often than not.  I cover it back over a lot.  It’s not pleasant.  Yet the more I try to hide, the brighter the beam its blinds.  You can’t hide from the pain forever, I tell myself.  The hurts surface to find release.  So what do I do?
Make the space to give your pain awareness.  Let it ride.  It’s ok to feel the uncomfortability  of it.  To grow you must work thru the hurt.  Find out what you’ve buried down deep and how it’s disabling the fullness of your present moment.
You don’t have to solve the problems of the world; you just need to become aware of what holds you down from accessing your dreams, your imagined destiny. 
I get overwhelmed in possibilities.  I let the vastness of life keep me at bay instead of journeying into the depths of the Ocean.  I let myself get tied up in the details.  The result is dormancy.  Nothing gets done.  Pondering what could be, instead of taking action and seeing what comes together from your hard work and dedication is a dead end destination.
So what comes next?  Do I wallow in my sorrows or take positive action in my life.  God knows I’ve wallowed, but that’s just plain old.  NOW is action time, time to push through the hurts.  Turn the hurts of yesterday into the incentives of today.  Let the challenge be to overcome what daunted you in the past.  Don’t let the past get the best of you.  Live for today and discover you can rise above the challenges that once held you down.
Speak up, speak out.  Share the truth that it yours to give.  Let the world see the colors you have to shine.  Don’t hold back the light you have within.  We all have a light to shine upon the world.  It takes courage and passion to shine your light, but it is your destiny.  We all are here to share the beauty within.  We have a special contribution to offer to the world.  Once you know the gift you have to share, the next step is to discover the path that exposes your creation to the world.  Whether you’re a painter, a writer, a doctor, teacher, or any other lifestyle you choose, you have the opportunity to positively impact the world with the light that shines within you!
Let it shine.  Make a difference in your life and discover what brings you joy, and then go share it with the world.  We all have a light within that is yearning to be revealed to the world.  What does your light look like?
Much Love,
  ~Jimmy Page~

Monday, January 27, 2014

The Energy that Carries us Through

Living life wide open with courage and grace
With any journey there comes great sacrifice and equally great rewards.  The reward is the openness to all that is.  Embracing the fact that I am a conduit for the grace of God to travel though and touch the world in profound and amazing way.

The first step is intention.  After that its getting my head out of the way so my heart can lead the way.

I feel life so intensely at times, it practically cuts like a knife.  The only way through is breathing with conscious awareness.  The breath is my savior.  When I think I cannot go a step further, the simply coursing of my breath has carried me through.  The breath is so much more than an autonomic response that keeps us alive.  The breath carries us to death.  It delivers us into the next life and births us to and fro this world.

The breath is a gift which creates balance and grounding in our life.  Without it we would surely not survive, in so many more ways than one.  The breath continues to carry us through with calming mind effects, and overall body relaxation.  It gives creativity the opportunity to blossom by allowing our imaginations to be heard.

From the breath comes new life.  Renewed and aware we step into each moment with vibrance.  All this being only possible through our keen awareness on the flow of our very own breath...........

The Ocean

The Ocean endlessly flows      
As the waves roll
And tides change
I am renewed, reborn
With each breath-
A blessing.
My chest rises and falls
I am invigorated.
I fill my soul with fresh air
The energies of heaven
Nourish each and every cell.
The breath connects me
To the fibers of the Universe.
I am a strand in
The Web of life
Life reminds us to breathe
Ever changing seasons
Re-birth to Death
And once again.
The Sun rises
Only to fall once again.
All life is held in the embrace of
The ever flowing breath.
It is with all our heart
And all our soul
We embrace the Ocean of life,
And the ever flowing breath
That carries us along.
~Jimmy Page~    [Winter 2012]


Food For Thought

Control the Food, Control the People

So doing a bit of research and trying to bring a bit of awareness to myself and the world at large :)

I find it very strange and not in our benefit that over half of the global market of the seeds that our food comes from is controlled (owned) by Chemical companies.
It would appear to me that chemicals and food should not be a joint venture that we invest (ingest) in each day to feed our selves and our families.

In 1970 there were over 10,000 seed companies. As of 2014 there are only a few hundred seed companies left.  Companies like Monsanto have bought the rights to nearly 25% of all seeds.  They have and continue to make it illegal for farmers to save seeds to reuse for the following years crop. A practice that has been going on long before Monsanto came along.
These companies are creating immense monopolies.  They are quickly taking over the rights to our food supply.  They are stripping farmers of there rights and forcing them to grow chemically induced GMO seeds or be put out of business.
Its all too clear now that these companies are stealing our rights to choose what we put on our plates each day.  These corporations care not for the well being of you or I.  They hold hands with the government and implement laws to aid them in there mission to take control of our food chain.  They grease palms and play the dirtiest of politics to persuade the tables to go their way.
I urge you all to open your eyes wide to the crimes these Chemical companies are committing against the whole of humanity.  Now we must take action to make it known that we are taking the power back into our own hands.  We have the right to know what's in the food we put on our plates each day.  Its time we tell these companies what their doing to the Small American family farmers is not ok. 
Lets do our best to make a positive difference in the world.  Tell these corporations we not going to eat their chemically altered foods any longer.  Tell them to label what's in their food.  We have the right to know what we eat.
After all, you are what you eat.  Who would you trust to grow your food?  Your local farmer?, or a company that makes chemicals?  Doesn't seem like a very hard decision to me.

 Check out your local CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) and discover how easy it is to bring local wholesome food to your families table each day and night.  Google "Local CSA" and create your own food chain.
Companies to Boycott:
Monsanto, Bayer, Syngenta, DuPont, Dow. http://www.organicconsumers.org/articles/article_26638.cfm  (A comprehensive list of companies who support the use of GMO's, and heavily donate to the above companies.)

Links to Local Farmers:
Support your local farmer by taking part in a CSA

Thanks for listening,
~Jimmy Page~